Pipelines, Fracking, and Kentucky's Future Beyond Fossil Fuels
November 7, 2015 Locust Trace AgriScience Center 3591 Leestown Road Lexington, Kentucky
Registration 8:30am-9am Opening Session 9am - noon Welcome -- Chris Schimmoeller -- 5 minutes Introduction -- Xyara Asplen, Madison County; Tina Messer and Sarah Vahlkamp, Boyle County; Angela Briggs, Barren County; Sue Tallichet, Rowan County. Keynote -- Dr. James O'Reilly : 40 minutes, then 15 min Q & A 10 min break Panel: Pipelines and Fracking in Kentucky -- 40 minutes of presentations, then 20 min Q & A Presenters: NGLs and repurposed lines -- Bob Pekny/Dick Watkins Geology/Karst -- Mammoth Cave representative?/ Ralph Ewers Public Heath -- Dr. Erin Haynes Fracking in KY -- Lane Boldman, Kentucky Conservation Committee Introduction to Keynote Speaker -- Amy Waters? -- 5 minutes Speaker TBA-- "Beyond Fossil Fuels" -- 30 minutes Lunch -- 1.5 hours Optional during lunch: Tour of Locust Trace's solar electric array Short screening of End of the Line Afternoon Session 1:30-5:30pm Breakout workshops from 1:30-3pm and 3:15-4:45pm with a 15 minute break in between with the same topics offered at each session so participants can attend at least two of what's offered. Proposed Topics: Community Safety -- with TBA This workshop will discuss health and safety aspects in detail, including important measures for pipeline safety. Recommended for community officials, planners, and advocates. Community Rights/Landowner Rights-- with Tom FitzGerald This workshop will address zoning options and other measures that communities can take to protect residents and natural resources from fracking/pipeline threats. It will also cover landowner rights in pipeline and fracking issues from dealing with land agents to on the ground activity. How Communities Can Transition Away from Fossil Fuels -- with Andy McDonald and TBA This workshop will highlight some of the communities who are working in this direction (Benham, Berea, Sisters of Loretto) and provide guidance for communities to successfully reduce their carbon footprint through conservation, efficiency, and renewables. Clean Power Opportunities -- with Lane Boldman and Jerry Hardt This workshop will focus on the opportunities that Federal energy mandates have created for influencing Clean Energy at the State level, particularly through the Clean Power Plan. Avenues for citizen involvement will be explored. ********* We will offer special additional workshops in the auditorium one time only in the afternoon******************** 1:30-3pm Advocacy 101 -- with Amy Boone, Shannon Bell and Caroline Engle This workshop will lay out the steps to successfully educate the people in your county about fracking and pipeline issues. This is for people who want to get involved but need an extra boost. 3:15-4:45pm Outreach Strategy Discussion -- facilitated by TBA. This workshop is for people interested in helping educate affected communities, especially those with no active local advocacy on pipeline and fracking issues. Creating a public education plan, a road show, or a public education campaign are among potential discussion points. 5-5:30pm Concluding Remarks -- Matthew Sleeth
Sponsors: Kentucky Resources Council, Kentucky Heartwood, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Envision Franklin County, Food and Water Watch, Sisters of Loretto, New Pioneers for a Sustainable Future, Earth Tools, Inc., Kentucky Conservation Committee
For more information, contact Chris Schimmoeller <c.schimmoeller@gmail.com> or go to http://groups.google.com/group/stopfrackingpipeline